Are you tired of living every day trapped inside your head? Do you feel overwhelmed, burnt out, stressed, or stuck? Have you normalized levels of anxiety because you think "that's just the way I am."

Let me tell you something: it might be "normal" to you, but it's not NATURAL. The truth is, the expansion, connection, and freedom you crave are not OUT THERE. 

IT'S IN HERE! You already have everything you need to create the life you desire inside of yourself. The key is learning to unlock and access it. 

You are so much more than the conversations that are going on in your mind. You think that the more you analyze something the more clarity you will get about it. But YOU CAN’T BE AT PEACE IN YOUR LIFE IF YOU’RE AT WAR IN YOUR MIND. That's why the more you THINK about it the more confused you seem to become, but the body KNOWS the answers.

The body is deeply wise and it knows how to heal us. Think about it. When you cut your hand, your body heals on its own without anything thinking involved.When we get out of the mind and into the body we are able to connect with our internal guidance system—our INTUITION.

This is your spiritual GPS and it knows how to take you from where you are to where you want to go...and it will take you there, one breath at a time. 

Then Breathwork is for you.

Does meditation feel impossible?


Join us in person in Las Vegas for a sacred expedition designed to empower you and set you free from the burdens of mental chaos and lingering doubt.

REVIVE is a powerful Psychedelic Breathwork and Embodiment Experience where you will discover the latent power of your breath, form a deep connection with your body's wisdom, and release yourself from the limitations holding you back from your dreams.

This gathering will take you deep beyond the surface, tapping into the profound layers of self that yearn to be discovered and set free. Speak directly to the whispers within you, unlocking the symphony of peace and purpose in your soul. 

This is your opportunity to heal from within, navigate towards your desired destiny with spiritual guidance and the power of community to REVIVE your innate strength and creative vitality like never before!

Awaken Your Dormant Strength And Creativity, Unlock The Connection to Your Inner World, And Access Your Internal Pharmacy for Personal Healing!

next event: april 28th at quintessence las Vegas, NV


A 2 hour private session held via zoom or in person
*In person for Vegas Only*

Solo Session



For you and your partner or bestie - a 2 hour session.
*In person, Las Vegas Only*

Couples Session

A 2.5hr private group session for 3-6 people at your desired location
*In person, Las Vegas Only*

Group Ceremony



4 hour somatic healing workshop for 5-10 people at your desired location
*In person only*

Somatic Workshop

Client Spotlight

• You have experienced trauma, heartbreak, or loss and are ready to heal

• You always feel like you are hustling and in overdrive

• You feel disconnected from your body and heart

• Your stress and anxiety is keeping you from live the life you desire

• You lack clarity and vision for your future 

Breathwork is for you if: 

• Immediate stress reduction & anxiety relief. 
• Connect with your emotions & change your response to them. 
• Revitalizes your organs. 
• Gives you access to your higher power.
• Reduces toxins in your body & provides an energetic release.
• More energy & mental clarity.
• Deepens your relationship to your body. 
• Release trauma that has been stuck in your system for years. 


Frequently Asked Questions

what is breathwork

Breathwork is a method where we use continual breathwork to break down emotions in the body that are stagnant and create heaviness on our energetic and emotional systems. Breathwork is a practice of allowing our systems to see a different perspective whereby we feel deeply connected to our bodies and understand and experience the intelligence contained within our systems. Revive Breathwork is a way to heal, release, and transform. 


how is your breathwork different

The core difference is that Revive Breathwork is for healing and transformation. There are a lot of breathing practices where the goal or outcome is relaxation, but with Revive, relaxation and connection is an aftereffect of the practice. The goal with Revive is to unearth the stuck energy that prevents us from living in our highest alignment and operating in elevated frequencies. Revive breathwork uses intentional stimulation (breath, music, and movement) to regulate the nervous system and bring your body back into balance. 


what are the benefits

The most common benefits are: 
• Immediate stress reduction & anxiety relief. 
• Connect with your emotions & change your response to them. 
• Revitalizes your organs. 
» Gives you access to your higher power.
• Reduces toxins in your body & provides an energetic release.
• More energy & mental clarity.
• Deepens your relationship to your body. 
• Release trauma that has been stuck in


what can i expect

Jelly-o gummi bears wafer. Oat cake cupcake bonbon toffee. Jelly tiramisu gummi bears jelly beans dragée dragée cupcake fruitcake. Jelly beans pastry toffee halvah caramels. Jujubes chocolate cake croissant powder marshmallow lemon drops jujubes gingerbread gingerbread. Jelly-o gummi bears wafer. Oat cake cupcake bonbon toffee. Jelly tiramisu gummi bears jelly beans dragée dragée cupcake fruitcake. Jelly beans pastry toffee halvah caramels. Jujubes chocolate cake croissant powder marshmallow lemon drops jujubes gingerbread gingerbread.



Breathwork can result in physiological changes in the body and/or intense physical and emotional release. As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated in certain breathwork practices. It is crucial that you inform your breathwork practitioner if any of the following conditions are relevant to you: 


• Pregnancy 
• Detached Retina 
• Glaucoma 
• High Blood Pressure (not controlled with medication) 
• Cardiovascular disease including angina, previous heart attack or stroke. 
• Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen 
• Uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes 
• Asthma – if the client is asthmatic, ask them to bring their inhaler to the session.
• Epilepsy 
• Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or previous psychiatric condition. 
• Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years. 
• Any other medical, psychiatric, or physical conditions which would impair or affect the ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and or emotional release. 

how often should i do breathwork

It’s important to listen to your body when you are checking in with this question. Breathwork is completely safe to do every single day, or twice a day. However, you want to first ask yourself, “What is my intention for my practice?” Ask yourself the why behind wanting to complete the practice. There are absolutely no downsides to increasing the duration of your sessions or the number of sessions completed on a weekly basis.



“Of all the amazing things I have ever experienced, NOTHING was so simple, so present with me, and so intrusively and yet compassionately transformational as just being with my own breath. No matter where you are in your life, I strongly recommend you invest the time to work with Tori and experience Revive Breathwork - you will never again see the simple act of breathing the same! ”

“Tori's style is a beautiful blend of gentle nurture and powerful invitation to level up.”


“Crazy. Crazy. From uncontrollable laughter that went on entirely too long (and was telling myself that AS it was going on) to crying at the reality of self-care. I’m not sure if you are a queen or a witch - but either way - I’m in! I’m so grateful that I’m embarking on this journey and have you as my captain. You have earned my Trust.”

TORI!! Thank you again - Omg what an experience.


“The breath work has been very helpful and I even noticed today how big of a difference it really makes. I was getting frustrated at work this morning and as soon as I started to breathe, my mood shifted. Thank you so much! I'm always praying for you and thankful I got to meet you!”

I stopped stressing over the things that were out of my control.


"Unreal -- I didn't know what to expect and was amazed. From her explanation and setup to putting her hand on my chest... It was as If she knew exactly what I needed at the perfect time."

"Such a moving experience!"

 Brand & Website by NIKKI GRACE